Medicine Wheel and Interconnectedness (3 CEUs)

~By Josiah Hugs

The medicine wheel is a great tool to place teachings on to help ourselves navigate mainstream society and balance our personal lives. When we are in a good place Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually we can respond and place the humanity back into our interactions with others. Through the seasons of Nature, we can gage where we are and respond accordingly. Nature is our teacher.

Breaking Down Cultural Barriers – Understanding Identity & the Impact of Boarding Schools on American Indian Clients (3 CEUs)

~By Kevin Kicking Woman

Cultural awareness training, cultural safety training, or cultural competency training helps us break down cultural barriers, build cultural bridges, and learn how to love, and appreciate those different from us. We can relate better to people with cultural differences as we begin to understand ourselves better. This results in more cultural connection and less cultural conflict.

Kevin Kicking Woman (Corner) is a tribal member of the Blackfeet/Cree Nation in Montana. Kevin served in the Navy for four years, based on the USS Sacramento AOE-1, in Bremerton, Washington.  He completed three tours overseas and one tour in the Desert Storm conflict. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Native American Studies and Anthropology, he graduated from the University of Montana in 2014 with a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (cultural anthropology, Linguistics and Music Ethnology). Most recently he began working at Browning High School as a Blackfeet Native American Studies teacher.

Kevin has been raised, lives and practices his native ceremonies, traditions, singing and dancing.  He is an active member of many of the societies. His passion for singing has brought him respect, acclaim and knowledge.  His singing, sharing and teaching others has impacted and enriched many lives.

Peer Support Specialist Training (3 CEUs)

~By Johnny Talawyma

Johnny offers training and consulting services to clinics using Peer Support Specialists (PSS) and has helped clinics get their feet on the ground. By supporting counselors, guiding people to recover, and identifying resources, a PSS becomes an invaluable resource to those in recovery.  Johnny offers a unique 3-hour training, highlighting Peer-to-Peer services, showing the significance and need for Peer-to-Peer services and mentorship within clinics, as well as offering a special continuing education opportunity for Peer Support Specialists and program clinicians working with Native American populations. 

The Peer-to-Peer training model, Eight Dimensions of Wellness, will be highlighted. An overview of the roles and expectations of Peer Support Specialists within the Behavioral Health field will also be provided, including an overview of what Peer Services entails. Johnny incorporates Native American Cultural aspects of healing into his trainings, underscoring the importance for non-Natives to comprehend when working with Native populations.

Family Therapy: How to Approach Treating Adolescents (3 CEUs)

~By Joseph Suchanic

“How do Therapists help teens who never really asked for it?” Therapists must rely on establishing candid and genuine relationships between therapists and teens. This training offers techniques for clinicians who want to engage and connect with their adolescent clients. The goal is to bring about conversations that are straightforward and therapeutically operational so that teens and their families can create a safe haven and allow them to look inside and learn about their potential and all they can be. These techniques will include among others:

  • The Use of the Therapist
  • Teens don’t follow 1st session protocols
  • Change of approach leads to results change
  • Family Sessions with challenging teen